

Please book your hotels on your own - see the map of nearby located hotels.

For the limited number of participants the conference organizers guarantee the special price in the Radisson Blu (Sobieski)**** hotel if you book before September 6. For this reservation it is required to fill a form (link here) and send it by fax or e-mail (address inside) to the hotel. Special price: 220/410 PLN for single room and 240/430 PLN for double room (about 50/100 EUR) – see all the details inside a form (PDF or DOC).

Pokaż Hotels around conference - 1 GLISTEN na większej mapie

You are also welcome to book rooms in other hotels.

Pokaż Transportation - 1 GLISTEN na większej mapie


Airport - conference venue: buses 175 and 188 (about 16 min), get off at bus stop Banacha-Szpital.

Airport - Sobieski Hotel: bus 175 (about 22 min), get off at bus stop Pl.Zawiszy.

Planning of transport connections in Warsaw please see:

Information about tickets: tickets and charges

Pokaż Transportation - 1 GLISTEN na większej mapie
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